Dedicated to conserving natural and cultural heritage.

"CA Forest Guard" training programme trained over 100 members in the volunteer team. 

Dedicated to conserving natural and cultural heritage.
The Conservancy Association (CA), founded in 1968, is a non-governmental environmental organization with a long history in Hong Kong. As a champion of sustainable development, they are dedicated to protecting the environment and conserving natural and cultural heritage. 
  • Mission: to be a major player in safeguarding the environment and cultural heritage through advocacy, partnership and community engagement.
  • Vision: a society that gives priority to environmental sustainability for the present and future generations.
 They are dedicated to promoting and participating in tree conservation. In addition to organizing various activities to raise awareness among the public and schools about the importance of caring for trees, they also take actions by proactively engaging in diverse reforestation and plantation enrichment programmes to enhance the forest ecology and biodiversity.
Recognized the importance of public participation in optimizing reforestation efforts, to date, they have held four batches of "CA Forest Guard" training programme and trained over 100 members in the volunteer team. Via lectures, fieldtrips as well as practical sessions, this programme allows the participants to gain deeper understanding on forest-related topics such as reforestation history and impacts of climate change on forest. By gaining first-hand experience in tree planting and monitoring, participants are trained to be leaders who assist in guidance and demonstration in tree planting and caring events.  

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